Woodbridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum

Woodbridge Township, Middlesex, New Jersey, United States


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Beth Israel has been serving the community since 1922 and Woodbridge Memorial Gardens since 1977. The cemeteries are located on Woodbridge Center Drive across from Woodbridge Center Mall. The grounds are 168 acres of serene, park-like land with flowering garden beds and tree lined avenues that meander through monumental and memorial park sections, past features such as the Bible Garden, Gazebos, and the Ten Commandments monument. Beth Israel Cemetery is a Jewish cemetery created with an atmosphere of true religious significance. The "Bible Garden" was fashioned from the very rock and soil of the Holy Land. Plants brought from the Holy Land were dedicated by Eleanor Roosevelt on June 2, 1957. Among the outstanding features of the Park is a prominent white stone monument showing the Ten Commandments flanked by two majestic lions, which is a memorial to the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust.
Woodbridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Created by BillionGraves, Woodbridge Township, Middlesex, New Jersey, United States